Monday, February 15, 2021

Good TV

 If you watch enough good TV*, you'll come across the same few teams of oxen.  When you think about it, it's little wonder. Hollywood doesn't need 100 teams in any given season, so the same animals work in a number of contexts.  

Luke Conner told me that he prefers solid color animals for movie work, since they can easily be 're-used' in multiple shots. I told him that I always joke with my high school students that his oxen were traitors: They clearly fought on both sides in the American Revolution- sometimes pulling British Wagons, others Continental farm equipment in the show Turn: Washington's Spies. Using black Swiss-Holstein crosses made it an unlikely catch by most viewers used to bad TV**.

This fact stood out as I watched some of M*A*S*H*, Season 5 on Hulu.  Within the first few episodes, the same ox was working both as a single and in a span. With multiple owners. The traitor.

At least M*A*S*H* now qualifies as good TV. What else do you watch that qualifies as Good TV?

*  Good TV: TV with Oxen featured regularly.
** Bad TV: TV without Oxen featured regularly