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Brandt Ainsworth, demoing "One-way." |
- Two-way: spaghetti topped with chili (also called "chili spaghetti")
- Three-way: spaghetti, chili, and cheese
- Four-way: spaghetti, chili, cheese, and onions
- Four-way bean: spaghetti, chili, cheese, and beans (beans substituted for the onions)
- Five-way: spaghetti, chili, cheese, onions, and beans
I like mine three-way. Turns out, the same coding system helps when logging with oxen. I like mine three-way.
Pollux checks out the competition. "Two-way." |
Last weekend, I spent all day Saturday and Sunday helping out with Tillers' "Logging with Draft Animals" class. Brandt Ainsworth taught the class and was a fun to work with. He's the real deal in terms of knowledge and experience. (More about him in another post later)
We had two great horse teams in the woods- Tillers' Sam and Solomon, a pair of Suffolks, and Rick Eshuis's beautiful Percheron Mares. Plus, we had Tillers' oxen. With 5 students and 5 instructors, getting plenty of driving for everybody was not a problem.
On Saturday, we had Castor and Pollux, Tillers' main working team, out to give some basic instruction in driving. Then, they pulled logs with both a small logging arch and a chain. Aside from testing the rookie drivers with their usual shenanigans, things went well. That made for one-way.
Sunday morning saw us back in the woods with both horse teams and Pollux in my single yoke and britchen. It had been a while since Pollux had worked singly, but he's agile and it's always fun to see just how small of a path a single ox can follow. We didn't skid anything that really tested him, but bringing out a few small logs still made for two-way.
For the afternoon on Sunday (following a nice lunch delivered from the Corner Cafe), we rounded out the options for working in the woods by yoking up Frank and Sparrow, Tillers' 10 month-old calves. Ivy has been working them regularly and they were willing workers, responding beautifully to subtle changes in body position, while tolerating many beginning drivers. Three-way.
Frank and Sparrow make it "Three-Way" |
I suppose, given enough time, I'd start exploring more options for both my Cincinnati Chili and my logging. Four-way: Yoke two teams with a vertical evener and skid a really big log? Five-way:? Well, I'm not too sure about that. Pondering that can wait for another time. The spaghetti's almost done.